Discover the shops with the best places to enjoy art and culture
Café-Librería La Habitación Propia
La Habitación Propia is a bookshop and coffee shop that specialises in works by female authors. As well as a carefully-chosen selection of texts of every genre (fiction, essays, poetry) by classic and current authors, there is also a coffee shop with pastries, toasted bread with savoury and sweet toppings, a vegan option, and more. [...]
El Desván del Libro Antiguo
El Desván Del Libro Antiguo is a bookshop right in the centre of Gijón that buys and sells antique, old and used books, as well as collector’s documents. We have a wide variety of books on Asturias, history and fiction, as well as a large number of books that are over 100-years-old on various topics. [...]
Galería de Arte Bea Villamarín
The Bea Villamarín Gallery is a business in the field of culture and creativity in Gijón. Our main activity consists of exhibiting and selling artworks from the artists that we represent, who are artists of contemporary plastic art. We focus on organising exhibitions and selling artworks, under the criteria of disseminating and promoting regional, national [...]
La Cósmica
La Cósmica is a shop and gallery in the heart of Gijón, where design, culture and art coexist. At street level, you’ll find a carefully-chosen selection of decor, textiles, accessories, wellbeing products and more. All items are made by designers and craftspeople who painstakingly and responsibly make local products. On its ground floor, it has [...]
Librería 4 Letras
Librería 4 Letras, founded in 2013, is a warm and friendly bookshop where you can spend hours among thousands of different books. At 4 Letras, you’ll find the latest releases in fiction and essays, and our extensive children’s section will bring delight to your little ones. A visit to 4 Letras is a break from [...]
Librería Amarcord
Comics, books, cinema... a small corner bookshop.
Librería Industrial – Buroteca
Specialised stationery shop since 1948. Stationer’s - Writing - Gifts. Fine Art - Office supplies. Copy centre - Plans - Bookbinding - Quick printing. Digital printing.
Librería Náutica san Esteban
Selling nautical books, navigation charts, sailing equipment, sailing clothes, raincoats, striped T-shirts, hats, etc. Nautical decor: lighthouses, compasses, miniature boats and countless products to bring a coastal touch to your home.
La Luna Lee
La Luna Lee is a bookshop aimed at children, selling illustrated books, comics, informative books, bath books, sound books and it is also a place to find educational toys, board games and educational games for little ones. Make sure you see the puzzles we have, the crafts and the wooden toys for little ones and [...]
Librería Central
Librería Central is a family bookshop, created in 1999. Ever since the start of our adventure, we believed that Gijón, a cultural city in its own right, needed a new place where reading, readers, publishers and authors could have a shared meeting point. A reading club, workshops, presentations and signings - all these activities have [...]
Librería Paradiso
Bookshop devoted to selling new and second-hand books and records. It opened in 1976 in the Cimadevilla area and then moved to Calle de La Merced, where it has been since 1978. Specialised in humanities, fiction, art, theatre, cinema, music and comics. It is also a point of sale for tickets to concerts and other [...]
Librería Senda
Small bookshop specialised in books chosen for adults and children. It has stationery for schools and daily use.
Llamazares Galería SL
Llamazares Galería opened its doors in 2005, founded by Gema Llamazares. After fifteen years in the business of disseminating and promoting contemporary and emerging art, in 2021 it was her daughter, Diana Llamazares, who took over, updating its image and brand and starting down an exciting path. The spirit of work, ethics, consistency and determination [...]
Mundo Sonoro Discos
Shop specialising in music on every format, with a large selection of vinyls. At our shop, you’ll find folk, pop, rock, jazz, zarzuela, classical, opera, etc. We import from various European countries and the USA. All our products are new, as we don’t deal with second-hand products. Open since 1979.
Musical SonArt SL
Musical instruments, sheet music and accessories. Musical gifts. Events: Live music and DJs. Professional sound equipment: Renting and selling all kinds of equipment for live events. Recording and Distribution. Learning and rehearsals.
Papelería Cartaria
Cantaria opened 12 years ago with a vocation to offer gifts and stationery items that are different from the norm. This is a space that will transport you to times past, where we also do personalised bookbinding.
Tienda de artículos de papelería y complementos. Artículos exclusivos y cuidadosamente seleccionados.
La Buena Letra
Librería tanto general como infantil que realiza diversas presentaciones y también sesiones de cuentacuentos. Tienen varias colaboraciones con entidades y asociaciones.
Librería de Bolsillo
Librería generalista especializada en ensayo, actividades culturales variadas, club de lectura, cursos de escritura y presentaciones de libros.
Musical Tommy
Tienda de instrumentos musicales, accesorios, audio, librería, regalos musicales y servicio de reparación.
Zooh is a shop in the heart of Gijón that sells art, decor and unique gifts. We design our own range of individual tablecloths, coasters, table linens and place settings using recycled and sustainable materials. We are obsessed with animals and at Zooh, you’ll find them in every corner. We probably have the most extensive [...]